Gone are the days when a corporate crisis solely required legal intervention. Today, the landscape of crisis management has evolved, and PR agencies have become indispensable allies to law firms. In moments of corporate upheaval, the duo of legal and PR experts proves to be the strongest defense against legal repercussions and reputation damage.

A few years ago, the initial reaction of a client facing a crisis was to ring up their trusted lawyer, seeking the expertise of a legal specialist who could conduct a comprehensive situation analysis. Fast forward to the present, the same lawyer, recognizing the intricate dance between legal and PR realms, insists on having a communications specialist on board from the get-go. This specialist isn’t just there to field journalist calls and inquiries, but to craft a coherent communication strategy that aligns with legal defense.

Why this shift? The answer is simple: more often than not, corporate crises have profound impacts on a company's reputation and overall value. In the Middle East, there are ample examples of companies whose value plummeted and executives whose personal reputations took a hit following a crisis. The lingering question is: how many of these companies actively sought and genuinely listened to advice from communication experts?

Effective communication during a crisis is not about merely transmitting information. It requires professionals who can grasp media dynamics, predict the intentions behind journalist queries, gather diverse opinions, and weave these into a clear, compelling narrative. This art of storytelling or message crafting is pivotal. It’s not something mastered in classrooms; it necessitates Middle East, real-world experience, and a deep understanding of varied crises.

The importance of this niche communication expertise has surged alongside the rise of the concept of Corporate Reputation. While this term is frequently tossed around in seminars and articles, it has recently been eclipsed by the phenomena of “fake news” and post-truth. These false narratives, often crafted with malicious intent, can gravely distort public perceptions.

Yet, the notion of crisis communication management is not new. What has changed, however, is the heightened recognition of its significance, even within the legal domain. This awareness is amplified by the rapid dissemination of information via social media. As a renowned Dubai legal expert aptly noted, "The court of social judgment is often more severe than that of the actual courts."

To all the potential advisors, a word of caution: never dip your toes into a crisis advisory role if you harbor doubts about the client's narrative. Clients, on occasion, might withhold the full truth, which can surface at the most inopportune moments. This revelation can be disastrous, especially when you're the spokesperson representing the company's face to the media.

So, to all the marketing and PR directors reading this: next time your firm or brand faces a corporate crisis, remember that legal expertise, while crucial, is only half of the solution. A PR agency, equipped with communications strategists, can be the much-needed ally to not only navigate the legal maze but also to safeguard and possibly even enhance the company's reputation in the eyes of the public.

If you're searching for such an ally, our PR agency stands ready. With a proven track record, a deep understanding of media operations in the Middle East, and a commitment to transparent communication, we can be the robust support system you need in times of crisis. Give us a call, and let's forge a partnership that can weather any storm.

Oh, and in case you are interested, our founder, Nick Leighton, is one of the authors of Crisis Communication – practical PR strategies for reputation management and company survival.
