Publishing a blog post and sitting around waiting for people to find it is not an effective method to build your blog audience.
You need to actively promote your posts and engage new readers if you want the exposure your blog deserves.
Detailed below are 26 sure fire and simple ways to promote and drive traffic to your blog organized by:
- Content creation
- Sharing with your own audience
- Syndicate, share & suggest
- Re-purpose your content to reach new markets
Let Your Content Promote Your Blog For You
1. Make Your Content Epic So People NEED To Share
Your content has to be REALLY good if people are to link to, read and comment on it. Make every single piece you post count. So much happens based on your title – so think 'ultimate guides', 5 way to…’, '101 lists', 'video tutorials', 'in-depth posts' etc.
2. Link To Influential Blogs So They Link Back
Linking out to influential blogs and key players in your niche is a great way to get on their radar and get them sharing or linking to your content.
3. Reference and Quote Experts So They Share Your Content
To back up your stats and statements reference experts and quote them then let them know you've done so via twitter and watch them re-tweet. People love being referenced as an expert and want to share that with their audiences.
4. Make Your Content Easy To Share
Include social share buttons at various points throughout the post not just at the bottom where people might not make it.
Share With Your Own Audience For Floods Of Instant Traffic
5. Email Your Subscriber List For Instant Traffic
Sending a broadcast email to your list as soon as you publish a new post is the best way to get a fury of traffic to it. If you're not building a subscriber list you should be. And don't forget to add a follow up message to the end of your auto responder series promoting the post so it continues to receive traffic over time instead of being lost in the archives.
6. Share To Your Social Networks & Get Your Followers Reading
Use time saving automation software or plugins from your Blog to automatically post your content to all your social media accounts.
7. Publish To Other Social Hubs That Have Internal Traffic
Add to 'hubs' on sites like Tumblr, Rebel Mouse, Flipboard and Scoop It in the niche. To add content to these sites is a one click and forget method and they all have internal audiences which can drive traffic back to your site.
Syndicate, Share & Suggest to Get Blog Traffic with Minimal Effort
8. Syndicate To Other Blogs & 'Steal' Their Audience
Source out blogs in your niche that accept syndicated content. It takes a bit of work to build up a list of sites that both accept syndicated content and like what you write about but once done you'll have a list of sites that will re-publish your post and allow you to tap into their audience.
9. Publish To Relevant Sub-Reddits To Get Wider Exposure
Reddit has 'sub-reddits' in thousands of different niches that allow you to share good quality content including your own. It's a great way to get wider exposure with little work for your new blog posts.
10. Engage New Readers Via Blog Engage
BlogEngage allows you to submit your blog posts to BlogEngages RSS feed and get access to several thousand potential new blog readers. They have different levels of exposure you can get access to so choose the one that suits you best.
11. Post To Popular Facebook Pages & Groups To 'Hack' Into Existing Audiences
There are FB pages and groups with huge amounts of fans which allow you to share your content or have simply been abandoned by the owners and are a free for all. Log into Facebook and type your keyword or niche into the search bar then choose to search for groups, pick any with over 1,000+ followers and see whether users can share content or not (some are locked).
12. Get LinkedIn For New People To Discover Your Content
Sharing content to related Linked In groups can help new people discover your content that otherwise wouldn't. Go to Linked In Groups and search for your keyword. You'll be surprised at the amount of niche groups available for discussions and content sharing.
13. Let People In On The Scoop With Scoop.It
Scoop.It allows people to share content they find online in a magazine style format.
The great thing about Scoop It is that you can suggest content to other peoples groups and if the content is good you can be sure they will share it. This is a fantastic way to get high quality links and droves of traffic to new posts.
14. Tap Into 80 Million Users With
Flipboard is a mobile app turned web based platform that has over 80 million users. It turns your content into stunning magazine style formats and taps into their 80 million users with just a couple of clicks. Sign up for an account and with one click you can submit your blog posts and Flipboard will turn them into magazine style layouts without any extra work from you.
15. Promote Your Content On For Blog Busting Traffic
Sulia allows people to share content they like with people with similar interests. Sign up for an account and state your interests - then choose the pencil logo in the top right of the screen and write a headline and a post snippet, share a link saying they can find more by clicking the link.
16. Be A Valued Member In Niche Forums & Reap The Benefits
Being an active and useful member of niche related forums is a fantastic way to find targeted traffic for your site. Whenever you add a new post update your forum signature to point to the new post with a clear call to action and spend 30 mins answering questions and being a valued member. It will encourage people to click on your link to find out how else you can help them.
17. Add Your Blog Content To Aggregation Sites
Sites like, and are content aggregation sites that you can add your posts to for effortless traffic. Simply sign up and 'submit your link' and watch as people discover them without any effort on your part.
18. Share With Other Syndication Sites To Build A Buzz
Depending on your niche these sites will be different but in the online marketing area you can syndicate your content to the following sites and build a buzz around your new blog posts. For 500+ sources in all niches check out this resource.
Re-purpose your Content to Reach New Markets
19. Package Posts Into PDF Files And Share On Document Sites
Sites like Slideshare, DocStoc and Scribd allow you to share PDF files and documents. These sites have huge internal audiences seeking out new content. Turn your blog posts into PDF files and add to these sites to reach new markets.
20. Make Slideshows That Send Shoots of Traffic To New Posts
Turning your posts into simple slides then sharing on Slideshare can bring in server busting traffic overnight.
21. Create Visual Infographics That Bring New Visitors
Turning posts into infographics and sharing on sites like,, and can bring in new visitors who react well to visual content.
22. Create Videos That Tease People
Get in front of the camera and give people a teaser of your post asking them to jump over to your site to see the rest of it. Upload to Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion which all have huge internal audiences.
23. Networking With Authorities To 'Hack' Your Way To Success
One of the best way to get blog traffic to your post and become known to the authorities in the niche is to network with them. Scope out the big name bloggers, product creators and social media hub owners and get known to them. Share their stuff, link to them, do stuff for them without asking for anything in return and they may repay the favor over time IF you're creating content worth sharing.
24. Tweet Influential People & Watch Them Retweet For Floods Of Traffic
If you've created content that you think an influential player in the niche will like or more importantly their readers will like then tweet them and tell them. If you've mentioned them in your posts then let them know. Chances are they will hit re-tweet if it's high quality content. Bloggers are interested in sharing great content with their audiences.
25. Blog Comment & Leave Relevant Links To Drive Traffic.
After you've added a new blog post you should be checking your RSS feed for updates from blogs you follow in your niche and where relevant leave a link back to your post. Not only does it put it on the radar of the blogger but their audience will see it too.
26. Use Google Alerts To Stay Updated Of Similar Content
Using Google Alerts to find new content based on your keywords is a good way to reach out to people who post similar content and get links, social shares and tap into their audiences.
What's worked for you? Send us your feedback.