There are a lot of things going on at a PR agency.  In the days of old (back when we actually put a physical press release in an envelope) there was the creative team and the account management team.  That model has clearly been outdated for some time.  Now, all account members need to have both skills.  Of course they need the skills to work with clients, build strategy, write, interact and influence the media, and show results.  So far this in not rocket science.

Then the economy changed, and there were less people doing more.  Lean was mean and that meant profitability which lead to job security. Suddenly we were dealing with multiple countries, in multiple languages and over different time zones.  Soon technology was pulled to offer our knowledge workers better accessibility than the fixed line servers in our offices as these were superseded by other more efficient cloud solutions.

When it comes to managing PR across multiple teams - for a client or an agency - there really are not many solutions out there.  At NettResults we live and bread cross-boarder PR and were constantly frustrated by the online tools available.  We could find media databases and distribution/monitoring solutions and we could find project management solutions, but there was nothing that the PR industry could call their own.

If you can't find it, build it.  So we did.  We developed the Public Relations Control Center (PRCC) which is used across our organization, as well as with many clients and partner agencies that we work with.  This was recently showcased on Intranets Today.  To read that article - you can link here.  And if you'd like to have a demonstration of our system, please call us today.
