
What we just read… just made us smarter, faster & better than you.

At the core of Smarter Faster Better are eight key productivity concepts—from motivation and goal setting to focus and decision making—that explain why some people and companies get so much done. Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics—as well as the experiences of CEOs, educational reformers, four-star generals, FBI agents, airplane pilots, and Broadway songwriters—this book explains that the most productive people, companies, and organizations don’t merely act differently.

Here’s what we took away and how it can be applied to the world of international integrated marketing.

Productivity relies on making certain choices. The way we frame our daily decisions; the big ambitions we embrace and the easy goals we ignore; the cultures we establish as leaders to drive innovation; the way we interact with data: These are the things that separate the merely busy from the genuinely productive.

The structure of the book hinges on eight key productivity concepts that explain why some people and companies get so much done:

  • Motivation

  • Teams

  • Focus

  • Goal Setting

  • Managing Others

  • Decision Making

  • Innovation

  • Absorbing Data

Packed with true stories and scientific discoveries that explain that the most productive people, companies, and organizations don’t merely act differently. They view the world, and their choices, in profoundly different ways.

Smarter Faster Better is both a page turner and a book that will frequently cause you to turn down page corners to be read again later.

The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business
By Charles Duhigg


11 strategy points you have to consider if you’re serious about content marketing


11 strategy points you have to consider if you’re serious about content marketing

11 strategy points you have to consider if you’re serious about content marketing

In the forever changing world of marketing communications and public relations, if you’re not talkingcontent marketing, then you’re behind the curve.

Here are NettResults’ 11 strategy points that we work on with our clients, to help them meet their business goals and outperform their competitors when it comes to content marketing.

1 - Creation of a real content marketing strategy

Does your organization have a documented content marketing strategy? Sadly, most do not. Companies that do have one, and review it consistently, are more likely to be successful. Even though you might think this is basic, it’s not. We are still too focused on campaigns and talking about our products, instead of truly driving value outside the products and services we offer.

2 - Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is quickly gaining importance and the C suite is getting it. It seems that every enterprise has some kind of content and influencer strategy, but few organizations execute a real strategy that makes sense.

3 - Purpose-driven marketing

What’s your why? Why do you create your content? Does it have a real impact on your customers and prospects? Is there a deeper purpose behind what you do, instead of just creating content as part of your sales and marketing machine?

4 - Video and visual

We’ve been saying it for years in this blog, using video and having a visual storytelling strategy are paramount for success. But, most brands are still hanging their video strategy on the viral video, instead of building a process and organization around the ongoing delivery of valuable information through video.

5 - Teams and workflow

Doesn’t matter how good your strategy is – who’s on your team to implement it? Having quality people that understand content and the business you’re in is so important. Equally important, how are the client/agency, and the internal team going to work? Get that workflow right to give visibility and make the process as smooth as possible – clear communications with on-time delivery and checks to ensure nothing is delayed or inaccurate.

6 - Stories & writing

It’s all in the story. Writing still counts, perhaps more than ever. While some marketers are fanatical about social media and video, they don’t comprehend that most of our communication is still text and story based. Make sure your team has really, really good writers.

7 - Integration with sales

Sales and marketing HAVE to be integrated. If we don’t market well, then sales perform poorly. If there is less money that comes into the company, there is less money to pay salaries. Who are they going to cut first – a sales person that can make more money for an organization or a content marketing team? Hello! Your job is on the line. There you go – we said it.

8 - ROI and measurement

If you don’t measure it, you don’t know if there is a return on investment. If you can’t prove your ROI you’re out of a job. There you go – we said it again.

9 - Email and marketing automation

Email is far from dead, and may be more important than ever for our content marketing programs. In fact, with a lot of the conversations moving to text, chat, apps and personal email accounts, the business email account is a particularly uncluttered marketplace right now – if you use it wisely.

And then, as many B2B enterprises have done, they move from just email into marketing automation. That’s a conversation for another time.

10 - Executive buy-in

Content marketing is an approach… a way of doing business… and many executives in the C suite are still firmly set with the traditional four Ps model. Without executive buy-in, you’re dead in the water. Not only are you doing something they don’t understand or value, but you’re then not able to do other functions that they think you should be doing. What does this lead to? Job insecurity. Oh yes we did.

11 - Global integration

At NettResults we come from an international stand point – it’s in our DNA. More and more in today’s market, organizations are operating globally. This means complex processes, scattered teams, communication issues, politics, and varied customer experiences. Simply put, it’s hard. The global integration needs more communication, understanding and tools.

And a bonus… maybe more tactical that strategy:


Snapchat has surpassed Facebook in total video views, it’s about time we started to take notice. OK, so you may need your 13-year old daughter to explain it to you, but if you are targeting the users of Snapchat, then you need to start engaging now.


Engaging with external stakeholders – what we can learn from leading companies


Engaging with external stakeholders – what we can learn from leading companies

Engaging with external stakeholders is more important than ever to company leaders, according to the fifth McKinsey Global Survey on external affairs. Yet while most executives believe outside stakeholders will be increasingly involved in their industries in coming years, few say their companies have taken an active approach to engaging with stakeholders or that they have found success in their external-affairs efforts.

52% of CEOs say external affairs falls as their top or top 3 priority

The results suggest that to step up their game, companies should start by strengthening their capabilities—many of which aren’t any stronger now than they were a few years ago. The companies that, according to respondents, are most successful at external affairs not only have better overall capabilities than their peers but they also are particularly skilled at organizing their external-affairs functions.

External affairs is a rising priority for CEOs and boards. When asked about the most influential stakeholders, executives expect government entities and regulators—as well as customers—will have the greatest effect on their companies’ value. Furthermore, executives in developing markets and in Asia are likelier than others t see external affairs as an opportunity rather than a risk.

11% of CEOs say their companies frequently succeed at shaping government and regulatory decisions

Despite the growing focus on external relations and the recognition of the value at stake, responses suggest that success is rare. Only 11 percent of executives say their companies frequently succeed at shaping government and regulatory decisions, and there are no regions or industries where more than one in five respondents report success. Managing the corporate reputation is challenging as well: just 22 percent of respondents say they frequently succeed at this.

On average, respondents (n= 1,334) report little progress – and even decline – in the strength of their companies’ capabilities since 2012. What’s more, few executives report that their companies are actively engaging with stakeholders. Just one-quarter say that in the past year, their companies have taken a very active approach to engaging with governments and regulators

Not surprisingly, those companies that are engaging external affairs are reporting greater success. More importantly, what are they doing – and what do we help with at NettResults?

We break it down into three areas that really differentiate those that are doing well and those that are reporting not to succeed:

Strategy formation:

- Building a fact-based narrative to support positions

- Aligning external-affairs agenda with company’s corporate strategy

- Prioritizing items on external-affairs agenda based on potential value at stake


- Tracking quality of relationships with most relevant stakeholders

- Engage CEO to support external-affairs activities

- Balancing local engagements with corporate-level priorities

- Attracting talent with the right skills

- Having a coordinated response to a crisis

Stakeholder engagement:

- Mapping stakeholder landscape to understand networks of influence

- Engaging with stakeholders in response to unfavorable policies

When setting the external-affairs agenda, respondents at the most successful companies are 2.5 times likelier than their peers to say they’re very effective at building fact-based narratives to support their positions. They are also much likelier to report effectiveness at tracking the quality of their relationships with stakeholders.

Other data suggest that digital tools have a role to play. Although a whopping 82 percent of all respondents say their organizations use digital tools (such as social media) for business reasons, those at successful companies use these tools differently. When asked about their main goals for using digital tools, for instance, they most often cite promoting their companies’ priorities and engaging with specific stakeholders, rather than driving website traffic or increasing their companies’ media visibility—which respondents at other companies cite more often.

If you would like to find out more about how your organizations (or an organization you represent) can engage external stakeholders more effectively, then call or email to set up an informal conversation and we’d be delighted to discuss your situation.


What Marketers Need to Know About Growing Sales


What Marketers Need to Know About Growing Sales

What Marketers Need to Know About Growing Sales

Make no mistake about it, when we’re in the marketing role, we are supporting sales. The two are joined at the hip and nothing in marketing should be thought about without the understanding of how it effects sales.


Let’s hand it over to McKinsey & Company and the book Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World’s Sales Leaders to reveal how top-performing sales organizations harness digital to drive growth, meet the new challenges of managing talent, and evolve with the future of sales.



By understanding how the sales professional thinks, marketing gets better.



How do sales leaders harness digital and analytics to drive growth? How are management and talent challenges evolving? And what does the future of sales look like?



Based on discussions with more than 200 executives from companies like Adidas, American Express, and Siemens, as well as on advanced research and our firm’s extensive experience in sales, McKinsey & Company have distilled the lessons into a set of practical, real-world insights across five major themes:



  • Finding growth before your competitors do

  • Selling the way customers want

  • Optimizing sales operations and technology

  • Finding sales leaders who continually challenge the status quo and thoughtfully manage performance

  • Leading sales growth to make change happen



Here are some of the highlights:



Power growth through digital sales



Sales organizations may have felt that digital technologies and channels were jeopardizing their business, but they are now realizing they can turn them to their advantage.



By 2017, almost two-thirds of all US retail sales will involve some form of online research, consideration, or purchase. Digital’s share of total retail sales in the United States has been growing by about 15 percent annually over the past five years, and the value of those sales is predicted to grow at 9.5 percent year on year. Turn to mobile channels and the growth is even more dramatic: 25 percent a year through 2017. A revolution in processing ability has put unprecedented shopping and buying power into the hands of today’s customers. More than 60 percent of Americans have a smartphone, and 80 percent of them are “smartphone shoppers”—they use their phones to help them shop while in a store, most often to research product reviews and specifications and compare prices. In South Korea, shoppers are not so much mobile first as “mobile only.” Of consumers who shopped on a mobile device, 13 percent did not shop in stores, and 53 percent did not shop via other digital channels.



Smartphone users are in many ways a godsend for vendors. Their digital footprint makes them easier to track through their decision journey, and that additional data delivers richer insights that can help drive higher-value purchases. The convenience and tailored experience now on offer not only help companies build stronger connections to customers but also drive down costs. Some 40 percent of US drugstore chain Walgreens’ total online prescription refills are ordered via its mobile app. This saves time for pharmacists and reduces the need for additional employees.



Blending digital channels into a company’s overall multichannel approach requires changes beyond the sales force, encompassing product development, marketing, distribution, and customer service. Companies that are thriving in the digital age are those that can figure out creative ways to pull together the best resources from across the organization.

Get the most out of marketing




Historically, sales and marketing have not always been harmonious bedfellows, but the opportunities afforded by big data and the complexities of connecting with customers in more granular ways require integrated and collaborative models that bring marketing and sales together.



On average, a B2B customer will regularly use six different interaction channels throughout the purchase process, and two-thirds come away frustrated by inconsistent experiences. The notion of a customer decision journey (CDJ) around which marketing and sales collaborate has become embedded in many leading sales organizations, but the journey differs by customer segment, with needs and expectations varying at each stage. Insightful customer research and advanced analytics mean these segments can be defined ever more precisely by marketing, but that work is wasted unless sales reaches the right people with the right offer. Nor is the onus all on marketing. Both functions generate enormous volumes of valuable data on customer segments and preferences, but at outperforming companies, the front line reports back to help marketing refine its value propositions.



As data becomes more readily available and easier to crunch, companies can move from broad-based predictive modeling to a much more personalized approach. Information from past interactions with a customer or from existing sources can be used to instantaneously customize the buyer’s experience. Remembering customer preferences is just the beginning; true personalization is the next wave in a customer’s journey and helps drive loyalty.



Pay attention to presales



For B2B sales, “personalization” is about delivering tailored solutions. To do that, sales organizations need a very clear understanding of customer needs. This requires technical experts to be involved with customers at a very early stage in the buying journey. These presales specialists are so important that one account manager at a global technology company said, “Every sales leader would say they couldn’t run the business without a specialist. The competitive dynamic is such that if you don’t bring your A-game to the deal, you’re not going to win.”



In addition to getting experts working on deals, the pre-sales function can play a vital role in qualifying leads. Social media, digital marketing, advanced analytics, and the more pervasive use of inside sales have exponentially increased the number of deals a company can pursue. But too many potential deals can have a negative effect on the organization by diffusing focus and taxing resources. It is far more efficient and effective to qualify leads using data and analytic tools, so that only the most attractive ones then move into the pipeline.



Despite its importance, pre-sales is often understaffed and overlooked. A high-performing sales organization should have about two-thirds of its presales team undertaking technical presales activities (crafting solutions to customers’ problems) and the rest involved with commercial presales activities (managing deal qualification, pricing, and bid). For maximum productivity, the function should account for 40 to 50 percent of the overall commercial headcount. B2B companies with strong pre-sales capabilities consistently achieve win rates in excess of 40 percent in new business, which is 10 to 15 points higher than we usually observe.



Although this technical sales support is most associated with B2B sales, it can apply to B2C, too. Apple’s product geniuses may be the best-known examples, but some car dealers send the product expert, not the salesperson, out on the customer’s test drive to answer questions.

Reimagine sales growth



With its focus on how digital technologies, data, and analytics are changing the face of selling, it’s natural that Sales Growth concludes with some thoughts on where the future may lie for sales organizations. The pervasive automation of back-office processes and the complete outsourcing of the sales function, enabled in part by precisely this technology shift, are redrawing the lines of sales management.



Machine learning and intelligent automation are already transforming a wide range of industries and functions. By 2020, customers will manage 85 percent of their relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human, and 40 percent of sales activities could be automated using technology that already exists.



“Cognitive agents” such as IPsoft’s Amelia, already understand, interact, and—crucially—learn in order to solve customers’ problems in industries from financial services to telecommunications. They can parse natural language and independently determine which questions to ask in order to diagnose what the customer really needs and act accordingly. It’s a small step from helping customers tackle basic processes to selling, and Amelia can already solve basic customer problems, for example, moving a customer to a more comprehensive phone tariff.



These new technologies and trends do not spell the end of salesmanship. They will fulfill much of the presales work, but many sales will still need people to close them. Making sure that the right salesperson is in place is becoming easier, too, thanks to analytics. Matching the seller with the lead and equipping the salesperson with the maximum amount of useful information to close the deal will characterize the new sales environment.



AI can be deployed beyond just responding to queries. Today, even with modern CRM systems, only a quarter of leads are actually contacted. A bot can contact 100 percent of them and do so in a relatively engaging, human-like manner that should not put off any potential customers. Companies that have pioneered the use of AI in sales rave about the impact, which includes an increase in leads and appointments of more than 50 percent, cost reductions of 40 to 60 percent, and call-time reductions of 60 to 70 percent. Customers love it too—these companies have seen an increase in customer satisfaction as customers get what they want faster.



Sales teams will need to be comfortable with algorithms and able to work with data scientists and marketing-tech experts to design solutions. Sales leaders, meanwhile, will need clear escalation and exception protocols to manage the trickiest or most valuable situations. As the machines get smarter, the biggest differentiator of success will be the human touch. Senior executives will need to ask the right questions, vigorously approach the exceptions that the machines highlight, and shine in the areas that AI will always struggle with: ambiguity and emotional engagement.



With more sales organizations turning to technology vendors to solve problems, is it only a matter of time before the whole sales function is outsourced?



Outsourcing the part of your business that involves selling to customers sounds risky at first, but for pioneering companies, the fact that the salesperson doesn’t work directly for the company no longer matters, nor is it important that s/he may be selling products from several different companies in the same category over the course of a week. What matters for the manufacturer is that someone is out there pounding the pavement, the phone, and the digital platforms, getting the product into the hands of customers more cheaply and effectively than the company can do itself.



Telesales is the most common form of outsourcing, but we have also seen a big rise in the outsourcing of sales operations. Alongside CRM, companies are outsourcing sales-compensation programs, lead-generation insights, sales analytics, account planning, and other operations. In return, they benefit from lower costs of operation, greatly reduced error rates, and the ability to shift their limited resources and energy to the critical parts of their business that they are best equipped to manage.



CEOs have valid reservations, yet sales often has significant variation between top and bottom performers and thus is ripe for being handed over to companies that can bring costs down and performance up. Outsourcers are experts at standardization and script every part of the sales interaction to bring the average performance up to the highest levels.



As outsourcing providers become more sophisticated, they are likely to infiltrate more complex B2B sales settings where customers need more tailored solutions and managing accounts still requires the personal touch.



How to Convince the World


How to Convince the World


How to Convince the World

This was posted by Seth Godin ( recently and we love it.

As marketers we are forever trying to persuade people to do something new. Sometimes at the macro level – like changing a nations behavior for health reason – or at a micro level, such as pitching in a new story to a journalist. Either way, we have something new and we want people to like it.


Seth’s diagram sums it up just right, and helps us avoid the gulf of disapproval.


Start at the left. Your new idea, your proposal to the company, your new venture, your innovation—no one knows about it.

As you begin to promote it, most of the people (the red line) who hear about it don't get it. They think it's a risky scheme, a solution to a problem no one has or that it's too expensive. Or some combination of the three.

And this is where it would stop, except for the few people on the blue line. These are the early adopters, the believers, and some of them are sneezers. They tell everyone they can about your new idea.

Here's the dangerous moment. If you're keeping track of all the people who hate what you've done, you'll give up right here and right now. This is when the gulf of disapproval is at its maximum. This happened to the telephone, to the web, to rap music... lots of people have heard of it, but the number of new fans (the blue line) is far smaller than the number of well-meaning (but in this case, wrong) people on the red line.

Sometimes, if you persist, the value created for the folks on the blue line begins to compound. And so your fans persist and one by one, convert some of the disapproving. Person by person, they shift from being skeptics to accepting the new status quo.

When the gulf of disapproval comes, don't track the red line. Count on the blue one instead.


Awareness, Trust and Action


Awareness, Trust and Action

Public Relations is not about one thing. It's about three things.

Awareness is a simple ping: they have that feature on that car now; they just opened that long awaited restaurant; they're running a promotion.

Trust is far more complicated. Trust comes from experience, from word of mouth, from actions noted. Trust, also seems to come from awareness. "Did you read that review in the magazine" is a debatable way to claim trust, but in fact, when people are more aware of what you do, it often seeps into a sort of trust.

And action is what happens when someone actually goes and buys something, or shows up, or talks about it. And action is as complex as trust.

Action requires overcoming the status quo. Action means that someone has dealt with the many fears that come with change and still does something.

Many people reading this are aware that they can buy a new gadget, and might believe it's worth the effort, but don't take action.

Many people reading this are aware that they can visit a foreign land, read a book (no - write a book), start a business... but action is the difficult part.

Action is quite rare. For most people, the story of 'later' is seductive enough that it appears better to wait instead of leaping.

As a marketer, then, part of the challenge is figuring out which of the three elements you need the most help with, and then focus on that...



The 6 Characteristics Your Corporate Spokes Person Must Have


The 6 Characteristics Your Corporate Spokes Person Must Have

One of the first questions we are asked when we are setting up a new client is why they should invest in media training? Quite simply, as an agency, there are many PR tools that we can use with the media to reach the desired target audience, and they all have differing ROI, but having a good spokes person is one of the best.


A strong and easily identifiable media personality will:

·      Make the product more easily identifiable

·      Make better and stronger links between you and your target market

·      Increase product prestige through social visibility

·      Create a positive brand imagine through the perception of the audience towards the product or company, from their feelings about you

·      Help segment the market and make way for future product launches and upgrades

·      Comfort the audience and make a purchase feel safe.


In short, people buy from people.


Media personalities are people who can be relied upon to be opinionated and interesting. Journalists will call on the same person again and again, so early ground-work pays off in long term exposure & coverage.


The best personalities are:

·      Authoritative figures

·      With a credible track record

·      With a breadth and depth of knowledge which creates immediate respect

·      Aware of the needs and agenda of the press, and will work with it

·      Always available for quotable comments

·      Able to take a helicopter view of the industry, market and wider issues Risk-takers, unafraid of censure


Frequently quoted media personalities are confident, outspoken, opinionated, and not afraid of questioning the status quo.


Just look around at the good and bad. I hope we don’t have to pull examples at American Politics to make our point– there are also some great examples from the business world.


Who do you think are the best (non-celebrity) corporate spokes people and why?



What Countries to Invest your Marketing Dollar


What Countries to Invest your Marketing Dollar

As we work in multiple countries on any given day, we are often being asked to comment on the global economy and why some regions are performing poorly and others less so.

A lot of the Western World is concerned about stock prices. Since the beginning of the year, major stock exchanges are down (from the Footsie to the Big Board) from a couple of percent to nearly ten.

But frankly, that’s nothing compared to what’s going on in the BRICs. There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemed the rugged promise of the globe’s economic frontier could be summed up with a simple acronym: BRIC. To investors and corporate prospectors alike, Brazil, Russia, India, and China were like Gold Rush towns high in the hills—deep, rich veins of commerce that could be tapped by anybody quick enough, industrious enough, and brave enough to stake a claim. Marketing in these markets sure was fun too!

But slowing economic growth, oil prices and scandals have put an end to those golden children. Well, India seems to be holding on, but generally speaking BRC is not solid.

Where are the opportunities? For varying reasons the following are poised for growth – Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Columba, Poland and Kenya. Want to know how to market here?

But back to oil prices for a moment.  Due to our long standing focus in the Middle East, the question most recently has been ‘our sales are well below expectations this year, what can you do’? 

Here’s the skinny. The Middle East’s economies are dependent upon black liquid gold. Oil price is at a low - around $32 a barrel at the time of writing.  From Oct 2009 to Oct 2014 is bounced between $80 and $115 a barrel. The last time it hit $30 values was in 2002. Informally I hear that so long as it stays above $70 a barrel the Middle East is making a lot of money every day – which of course has a great effect on the economies locally and anyone selling into the Middle East.

Why is it so low right now?  It’s a long, complicated and disputed story. From our point of view, in the simplest form – the cartel of the Middle East is artificially keeping the cost of oil low themselves (this not a demand problem – no matter how many electronic cars Mr. Elon Musk produces – the world is still dependent upon oil and is likely to be for a considerable number of years).  Why would these economies keep something that fuels their own economy so low?  Simply, because they are freezing out the competition from other economies (e.g. U.S. and Russia) who have found revolutionary drilling methods (that have a higher cost of production). 

The Middle East is playing a long term game to remain the leaders in oil production.  A year or so (if that) of lower oil price will achieve their goals.  The price will then be raised and we’ll see the boom time that we experienced from 2009 to 2014.

What should an international business – that is selling into the Middle East - do right now? Re-set short term sales goals and take advantage of the lower cost to market to a competitive advantage. Invest (yes, marketing is an investment and not a cost of sales) in the region so when the price of oil re-bounds, you have a significant market share.  In short, play the long term game, just like the Middle East region is.

Free yourself from stock market short term goals

Not getting the #sales you want in the Middle East?

Here’s what to do - 


The Four Global Forces Breaking all the Trends


The Four Global Forces Breaking all the Trends

The world’s changing. In the new book No Ordinary Disruption, its authors (Dobbs, Manyika & Woetzel) explain the trends reshaping the world and why leaders must adjust to a new reality. What does that mean to us marketing people?             

As you’ll remember from your studying at school, in the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, one new force changed everything. Today we’re undergoing four fundamental disruptive forces - any of which would rank among the greatest changes the global economy has ever seen. It is also happening ten times faster and at 300 times the scale, or roughly 3,000 times the impact. Although we all know that these disruptions are happening, most of us fail to comprehend their full magnitude and the second- and third-order effects that will result.

1. - Beyond Shanghai: The age of urbanization

The first trend is the shifting of economic activity and dynamism to emerging markets like China and to cities within those markets. These emerging markets are going through industrial and urban revolutions, shifting the center of the world economy east and south. In 2000, 95 percent of the Fortune Global 500—the world’s largest international companies including Airbus, IBM, Nestlé, Shell, and The Coca-Cola Company—were headquartered in developed economies. By 2025, we can expect nearly half of the world’s large companies—defined as those with revenue of $1 billion or more—to be headquartered in emerging markets.

What’s your international PR strategy in emerging markets?

2. The tip of the iceberg: Accelerating technological change

The second disruptive force is the acceleration in the scope, scale, and economic impact of technology. Technology has always been a great force in overturning the status quo. The difference today is the sheer ubiquity of technology in our lives and the speed of change. Accelerated adoption invites accelerated innovation. In 2009, two years after the iPhone’s launch, developers had created around 150,000 applications. By 2014, that number had hit 1.2 million, and users had downloaded more than 75 billion total apps, more than ten for every person on the planet. As fast as innovation has multiplied and spread in recent years, it is poised to change and grow at an exponential speed beyond the power of human intuition to anticipate.

Processing power and connectivity are only part of the story. Their impact is multiplied by the data revolution, which places unprecedented amounts of information in the hands of consumers, businesses, the media etc, and the proliferation of technology-enabled business models.

How are you using new technologies to interact with the media wherever they are located?

3. Getting old isn’t what it used to be: Responding to the challenges of an aging world

The human population is getting older. Fertility is falling, and the world’s population is graying dramatically. For the first time in human history, aging could mean that the planet’s population will plateau in most of the world.

Let’s look at real numbers - the European Commission expects that by 2060, Germany’s population will shrink by one-fifth, and the number of people of working age will fall from 54 million in 2010 to 36 million in 2060, a level that is forecast to be less than France’s.

A smaller workforce will place a greater onus on productivity for driving growth and may cause us to rethink the economy’s potential. Caring for large numbers of elderly people will put severe pressure on government finances.

And what about how we staff the marketing and media relations and of companies. Who are we going to staff, and where do their relationships need to be strong?

4. Trade, people, finance, and data: Greater global connections

The final disruptive force is the degree to which the world is much more connected through trade and through movements in capital, people, and information (data and communication). Trade and finance have long been part of the globalization story but, in recent decades, there’s been a significant shift. Instead of a series of lines connecting major trading hubs in Europe and North America, the global trading system has expanded into a complex, intricate, sprawling web.

The links forged by technology have marched on uninterrupted by recent recessions and with increasing speed, ushering in a dynamic new phase of globalization, creating unmatched opportunities, and provoking unexpected volatility.

When it comes to the future of marketing and media relations, it is going to be archaic to think that we can compartmentalize our services by geography – we are going to have to be global.

What does this mean?

Our intuition has been formed by a set of experiences and ideas about how things worked during a time when changes were incremental and somewhat predictable. Globalization benefited the well-established and well-connected, opening up new markets with relative ease. Labor markets functioned quite reliably. Resource prices fell.

But that’s not how things are working now—and it’s not how they are likely to work in the future. If we look at the world through a rearview mirror and make decisions on the basis of the intuition built on our experience, we could well be wrong.


The world’s changing – how are you changing?

Is your future marketing strategy future proof? 


25 great PR opportunities in 2016


25 great PR opportunities in 2016

We love news hijacking. We also love being prepared and ready for those opportunities. Of course, we need to be country specific, so make sure the events you are following are right for your market.

Without further ado, here’s the top 25 opportunities that we’ll be following for 2016:

January 7 - National Bobble Head Day

January 16 – 14th Taiwanese general election

January 21-31 – Sundance Film Festival

February - National Shower with a Friend Day

February 7 – Super Bowl 50 in California

February 14 – Valentine’s Day (county specific so watch out)

March 12 - National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day)

March 17 – St Patrick’s day

March 31 - National Bunsen Burner Day

April 1 – April Fool’s Day (fun for all PR people and children under 10years)

April 28 – Austrian Presidential Election

May 7 – Kentucky Derby

May 24 - National Escargot Day

June 16-19 – 116th U.S. Open Golf

July 4 – NASA’s Juno spacecraft is going to arrive to Jupiter. It was launched in 2011.

July 2-24 – Tour de France

August 5-21 – 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

September 7 - National Beer Lovers Day (our office will be closed Sep 8)

September 20 - National IT Professionals Day (seriously)

October 4 – National Vodka Day (our office will be closed for the rest of the week)

October 7 - World Smile Day

October 25 – Major League Baseball World Series

November 8 – The 58th US presidential election

November 27 – Abu Dhabi Grand Prix – final Formula One race of the season

December 8 – FIFA Club World Cup in Japan


Which event do you think will bring the most coverage?

What events are you following for 2016? 
